What is the Exchange Rate?

Exchange rate between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be traded for another. It is also regarded as the value of one currency in terms of another currency.

Why we recommend to trade Currency?

In traditional business, people struggle to start a business due to lack of Capital, Customers and Skills. Trading Foreign Currency is more about the understanding of the market. The requirement of capital is very low and you never have to be worried about finding a customer as the broker gives you the guarantee of getting a customer at any given point of time. The skill can be developed by proper training and mentoring. The other advantages include 24 hours trading opportunity, so that you do not have to sacrifice your current earning sources while you are learning currency trading.

Exchange Rate Icon
Risk Warning!

Forex, Commodities, Options and CFDs (OTC Trading) are leveraged products that carry a substantial risk of loss up to your invested capital and may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

What is Forex?

Forex is also known as the Foreign Exchange/FX

Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. For e.g. you can buy Dollars by selling Pound sterling. The forex market is the place where this currency trading takes place.

In the present days currencies are one of the most important thing to any individual around the globe. There was a time in the past when there used to be ‘Barter Economy’. In a Barter Economy there was no money involved and goods or services were directly exchanged for other goods and services. 

Due to several disadvantages Barter was replaced by Money Economy and we are still using that method to exchange goods and services. 

In this era where everything has become global it’s not only Currency that is important to individuals/ businesses but the exchange of currency is also very important. Currencies are required to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and businesses. So this exchange of currency is basically Forex Trading.

Why does one need to exchange currency?

For e.g. if you are travelling to Japan for holidays once you land on the airport you might want to keep some Yen in your pocket because the restaurant outside may not accept any currency other than Yen. So when you exchange whatever currency you have for Yen you have essentially participated in the forex market!


Market Analysis

First we analyse the long term charts and look for the currency pairs that have the clearest market condition (clear swings and S&R levels).

Once we have a clear market condition, we look for entries
on the short term charts.

So when we say bullish condition, it means that it is more likely to continue it’s way up, and we will look for long opportunities (It DOES NOT mean to trade it right where it is).

When we say bearish condition, it only means that the market is likely to continue its way down, and we will look for short opportunities.

Once we have a clear market condition, we try to find clear S&R levels on the short term charts to define our entries.

Is it clear?

Please do let us know if you have any question, because we are going to send you our analysis everyday this week.

Sounds good?

Remember, blue levels are long term levels and the green ones are short term levels.

Ok, now lets take a look at some charts! >>

AUDCAD Analysis

As you can see in the following chart, the AUDCAD is trading in a very clear bullish condition, that means that we’ll be looking for long opportunities:

Now, since it is trading in a very clear bullish condition, we need to look for long entries on the short term charts… In order to have a plan we need to look for ST S&R levels…

Here is how the ST chart looks like:

The AUDCAD has clear ST S&R levels, it has been rejected from the top of the ST range, so my plan is to wait for the market to reach the bottom of the range, if I get a significant pattern my upward pressure I’ll go long.

We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

GBPJPY Analysis

The GBPJPY is another currency pair where we are currently looking for trade opportunities.

In this case, it is trading in a bearish condition (since it was rejected from the top of the range), and it is likely to continue moving down, until if hits the next LT support level around 161.25

Now, in this case we need to be careful because it might retrace back to the ST resistance level around 168.16, here is the chart:

And basically, that’s what I looking for. Unless we get a new range, I’ll take advantage of it and trade off there.

I’ll keep you updated.


How do you deal with NFP (Non-Farm-payrolls report)?

Do you still try to take advantage of it? Those days, where the market moved 200 pips in one direction in just a few minutes are long gone. Now it’s different. The market moves up, and down, and then again up… and most of the time it ends up where it all started. Traders that used to place two orders (a buy above the market and a sell below the market) end up with two opened trades, a buy and a sell, and both of them in a loss. So this is no longer a feasible strategy.

But still, we need to learn to live with the NFP announcement and other important ones as: interest rates, GDP, trade balance, and others. Follow these 4 ideas and you’ll be on your way to get consistent results. I can help you put these ideas to work.

Over the years it can be seen that most of the time, the market takes these announcements as an excuse to move in the direction of the market condition. That’s the reason even when sometimes we get a good number, the market still goes down. Or when the market gets a very bad figure, and still the market moves up. Well, that’s because of the market condition, or what other traders call: The Sentiment of the Market. This is why it is very important to trade only in the direction of the market condition, because the market will use these announcements and other things as an excuse to keep moving in the direction of the market condition. Now… remember I’m talking about “most of the times”, there are also times that the market moves in the opposite direction… this happens when we get a very different figure from what was expected.

So we still need to protect ourselves, for that reason, it’s advisable to close all trades when there is an important announcement. We don’t do this with every announcement though, just the important ones like: unemployment reports, interest rates, GDP, trade balance, Central Banks announcements, Central Bank President speeches.

Now lets talk about a few charts…

GBPUSD Analysis

Remember we need to be careful about trading anything, because the NFP report release due normally on every First Friday of the month.

Sometimes the market behaves in an odd way before those announcements, so we still need to be careful alright? Ok, the GBPUSD is trading near an important level. And as we discussed, every time the market trades near an important level, it will tend to consolidate (range) around the level.

So this is how that consolidation period looks like in the short term charts:

We have several options…

The first thing that we need to do is to create a trading plan.

A trading plan will help us reduce anxiety about trading, because this way you know exactly what the market needsto do to open a trade.

So we have three possible scenarios:
• When the market trades near an important S/T level, and it is consolidating in a very well defined range (clear swings and S&R levels), we can trade inside that range.

• We can take long opportunities around the bottom of the range
• And short trades around the top of the range

We need to close our trades as it approaches to the opposite extreme.

This is what makes me feel more comfortable about the strategy I’m using. I know exactly what the market needs to do in order to start looking for trade opportunities.

USDCAD Analysis

Now, I want to talk to you about the USDCAD again because it is trading in a similar way… But not quite the same…
You’ll see what I’m talking about. On tuesday I did analyze the USDCAD. It was trading near an important level (as the GBPUSD). And guess what, it is still trading near an important level.

Take a look at the ST chart:

Do you see any difference between this chart and the one we saw earlier?
Think about it…
The difference between the GBPUSD and the USDCAD chart is that on the first one (GBPUSD), the market has very clear S&R levels and swings, and when we have that, it is possible to trade inside the range.

On the USDCAD however, the resistance level has not been confirmed yet (we only have one rejection). So we don’t know yet if that is a resistance level, and for that reason we cant trade inside that range.

So the plan is a little different, in this case we only have two possible scenarios:

1. If the USDCAD confirms the upper resistance level (1.1197), and then it breaks it, then I start looking for long opportunities.
2. If the market breaks the ST support level (1.0923) I’ll start looking for short opportunities.

As you can see, the lower support level has already been confirmed, that’s the reason I’m going to look for trade opportunities once it breaks through that level.

See the difference?


We need to be careful today because of tomorrows announcements.

The market is most likely to trade with very low volume until tomorrow, so don’t expect large swings.


We sometimes get the feeling that we are not fighting against the markets or brokers or other traders, but against ourselves.
Because we are the ones who take all trading decisions (well, at least 99.99% of the time):

  • We are the ones who take profits earlier.
  • We are the ones who decide to trade even though there is no signal.
  • We are the ones who decide to hold our trades during important news releases
  • We are the ones who don’t pull the trigger when there is a signal

So please try it, try it every time things don’t go as expected and you are going to find stuff about your strategy that aren’t working, but most importantly, patterns about yourself that would be very difficult to notice without an exercise like this one.

Anyway, what we are about to share with you is what we think is critical to succeed in the forex market.

Put in practice the following ideas and you’ll eventually reach your trading goals (provided that they are realistic).


Simple is better: Go back to the basics. Even
thousands of technical indicators and tools, I always
came back to the easiest of them: price and support and
resistance levels. And you will too, eventually you will.

Market condition: What ever you do in the short term charts,
the market will always move based on what is going on
the long term charts. Keep an eye on them, and only trade
when both, short and long term charts are connected.

Confidence: You need to be confident in yourself and in the
trading system you are using. The only way to get there is
if you are comfortable with the system you are trading. So
tweak it until you make the system you are using YOUR
own system.

Risk: The fact that you open trades doesn’t mean that you
accept the risk of taking that trade. Understand that risk is
part of what we do and every trade has the possibility to
move against us, therefore you need to manage your risk,
capital and trades.

Follow these 4 ideas and you’ll be on your way to get
consistent results. I can help you put these ideas to work.

Our Forex Course

This course consists of 15 hours of intensive theory discussion including the basics of foreign currency trading, Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis, Sentiment analysis, Money management, Risk Management and a live trading session in the real market.

After covering the theoretical aspects of Forex trading, you will be mentored for the next THREE months to trade in your live account. During this time, you will be applying everything you have learnt in the classroom. These sessions will be conducted via online group sessions.

During the three months period, it will be made sure that you become confident to make decision at when to buy, when to sell and when to stay away from doing anything.
There is no advance course for Foreign Currency Trading. Everything will be covered in one course. You will be left alone and you are free to contact us whenever you need to discuss your ideas and analysis.

Risk Warning!

Forex, Commodities, Options and CFDs (OTC Trading) are leveraged products that carry a substantial risk of loss up to your invested capital and may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

Beginner’s Course

What you would learn:
Introduction to The Forex Market
Currency Trading Basic Concepts
Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis Part I
Technical Analysis Part II
Sentiment Analysis
Chart Analysis
Intermarket Co- relation
Trading System Development
Multiple Time frame Analysis
Forex Brokers
Understanding the Trading Platform
Choose Plan

Advanced Course

What you would learn:
Price, Our Best Indicator
Entry and exit of a trade
Money Management
Risk Management
Trade Management
Trading Ideas
Trading Psychology and Habits
Trading as a Business
Daily Briefing
Price Action
Live trading with our affiliates
Choose Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I trade with real money from the beginning?

According to us, trading with real money from day one is very important. It makes a trainee to be serious about his/her capital from the very beginning and everything has been taught in the classroom become applicable immediately.
But he suggests you to trade just small amounts, from there you can develop your trading. The mentorship programme is 3 months or longer if you wish.

How long will it take for me to be consistently profitable?

From doing the course and participating in the follow-up Mentorship programmes you will learn faster and gain more experience. Attending the daily online trading room will allow you to fast track your learning. The course is the start of your trading education and it continues. In fact, all traders continue to learn everyday. You could expect to be more consistent in around six months but you have to put the effort in and learn the key lessons taught by Ashraf. Everyone is different. Some learn quicker and some slower.

How much time will I have to put in to be consistently

For you to become a successful trader, you have to gain a trading edge. This means that you have to plan your time to suit the type of Trading you wish to do. All types of trading require you to do your homework. You have to available more if you are trading for short timeframe and may be less if you are trading on a longer timeframe. We will talk you through this and help find the correct balance for the objectives you have.

How much capital do I need to start trading with?

Initially, if you are just starting to trade you will begin with no more than £300. As your confidence builds you can start investing more or build a bigger capital from the initial investment.